
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou


An anime set in a post catacalysmic countryside city thinh where a robot girl named alpha runs a cafe, while her owner is on a long trip of some sort
its a nice small anime i was expecting that it would take awhile to get back into another show after watching haibane renmei but something like this, simple and quiet did the trick
just finished ova 1 and enjoyed it the scenery was beautiful and reminded me of times that i had similar experiences of just looking and soakinh in the scenery and this OVA captured that quite well from alphas perspective. i like to think that this robot can have such deep emotions in their simple life, just like a human.
the 2 main set pieces being the sunset and the lights and the ending nighttime of the place she was first brought by her owner, these were the two impactful moments that i was talking about although the other landscapes shown in the show are just as beautiful but shown as backgrounds. the music fit this perfectly, great summer vibes. the charachters outside alpha are nothing to write home about but do add to the realism of this small countryside village with little to no people living there... atleast anymore judging by the city underwater.
i liked her little sister in the first episode, hope to see her in the next OVA. also found it cool how they have to kiss to transfer data lol well not exactly they have to touch tongues so ig it was a tongue kiss, kinda weird to think about since they are technically related but not technically related aswell since they are just robots but i could be wrong since it is a fictional story maybe they can be made to be more "blood" related... just something to think about but yeah they use their tongues kind of like a plug, for example besides the data transfer is the camera she gets, where if the plugs it in and connects woth her tongue she can see out the lens since ots made of the same thing from robot eyes which was a cool detail.
speakinh of the camera it kinda annoyed me how she didnt take the photos when she wanted to but maybe its tryinh to say to the viewer that you dont need photos for everything and sometimes you have to just take in whats infront of you and you'll remember that moment just as good as having a photo. but sometimes it can be the opposite yk? and sometimes taking photos can make you more in the moment so its just yet another thing to think about.
also since the series is based off the manga and the OVA's arent the full thing (if im correct) ill read that aswell. also looking into it there's fuckinh drama cds? so theres the manga, 2 OVA's, 3 drama cds then a novel thats set way after
11/08/2024 12:14 AM
now so far i must say im really enjoying this book it really is great. i thought i was gonna be disappointed because i love the OVA's animation and style but i like this too its kind of the same in a way but kinda has its own vibe aswell. me gusta.
when i watched the anime i got really into the music so ive been listening to resort music series by gontiti while reading and wow i really like it. to me its like a more calm takanaka. i always listen to him in the summer and the show is very summery and its summer and gontiti is summery... you get the picture. i still prefer winter tho.
i like when alpha dances in the early volumes and im glad we fet to see more of the charachters family and whatnot, like oji sans family, fish guy who i dont even think was in the anime but i really like him and his relationship with takehiro and now the younger girl. another guy im happy there was more screentime for was the plane robot guy. i feel in the anime they kimda overlook him which they often do for some reason, probably budgetwise. name is nai or nye? nai was in the anime and nye was in the book so idk we get more insight into him and later we see him fly by alpha and takehiro which i nice :)
another charachter which is way more prominent is misago. only mentioned late in the OVA she shows up in the first few volumes and is way more involved and cooler imo. i liked in one of the volumes where it delves mor einto oji san and the nurses life and even shows them as when they were younger which confused me at first but then i understood what was happening lol.
the story of the making of the robots really fascinated me and that record. i wish they talked more about it (which maybe they will but im only 11 volumes in) but i feel that it makes it more mysterious and lets us imagine it ourselves which they do with other things aswell so its allll gud. the ship thing aswell is cool. i kinda dont understand why they dont just jump out or something or land but if i remember correctly they cant? but idk bit weird might need to look into that. but now the ship is going to like another planet for 6 years so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ i also got confused when oji san mentioned alpha was bleeding which made me think... robots bleed?! makes me more fascinated about the robots history and why they exist and how they are so advance.
and tbh i didnt have the time to write after i watched ova 2 so its basically the same as the manga but i wrote a few small details here lol: i liked the funny persimmon, and the corn looked super yummy and i like how messy and dirty alpha looked as she gazed upon mt Fuji when kokone sleeps over while alpha is gone is very cute scene. art is so beautiful •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀ the ending music where its different stills of alpha is kinda funny to me but i love it
i like the faxt they see different things (rings im moon for example) im afraid of oji san and sensei dying i have some personal reasons to why i feel sad when for example sensei gives alpha her necklace
and there we go... i finished it, i kinda feel sad? the ending was really nothing, but a good send off, still things left unanswered, still things to think about over all and what a manga, that was great. I really connected with all the characters and knew them all well and im the last few panels we saw the camera used for the last time that atleast we see.
i like how it sends it off saying that all these characters still go on with their lives, things will change, life goes on. seeing how every charachter grew up so quickly and so realistically like I myself was there was crazy. it reminds me that life is precious and i should be doing more in life. and do what i need and live a happy life... im not the best currently, i stay inside all the time and only go out at most twice a week which isnt enough. im being given a bike for a present soon and im gonna try and use that the most i can. it doesnt matter where i go but i just want to go out more.. like a walk but i can go further yk?
but anyway enough about me this manga is a really good one and id reccomend it to anyone who's interested. and to the 0 people reading this go out and read yokohama!! its really good!! its definitely up there in my favourite mangas there now which i feel like ive been saying for the past few media ive consumed but i think its because im actually properly branching out what i comsume. which i do anyway but im takinh my time to actually watch this shit.
i was gonna talk about small scenes but i feel like they kinda just go into what i said about the characters growing and learning and living so id reccomend you just read it yourself tbh.
also maybe dont consume it they way i did? it wasnt a bad way tho so you still can do it that way. i did: OVA 1, OVA 2, manga mayne go for manga then OVA's or manga up to whatever the OVA's cover then watch and vise versa. but i think doing it my way is still a good way to do it but anyway is good right? as long as you enjoy.
as a bonus heres a few panels that i quite liked
and i shall post an update of some of my art since i kinda wanna redraw atleast one of the panels.
this (3rd update) was August 10th 1-3 AM the start and 2nd update was 8th or 9th










would i reccomend? yes, but dont go into it with super high expectations ofc. (11/08/2024 UPDATE) would i reccomend? fuck yeeeeh dont go in with super high expectations still tho, great series must read. supa gud crodie.
also i think im gonna get the deluxe vers physically if they are in a local shop i know or ill just get them off amazon
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
