
Boku no Natsuyasumi 2

day 1
so i saw a tweet by @HillTopWorks that said to play day by day of this game, it looked cool and peaked my interest so i did... but i started a day late because i completely forgot i was gonna do this until i saw someone playing it on a tiktok live so i played 2 days in 1. i patched my copy and loaded it up, title screen was nice and the music is great!


the story is you play as a little boy going to his extended family for the summer in the countryside. the ambience is great, you can hear the cicadas and the waves at night and lots of other small details that really add to the game itself, and the vibe. the intro cutscene is us and a girl on the boat towards our destination, we arrive and our family is pleasantly waiting there. Now after our motherly figure lets us know to not go hiking because its getting late and maybe look around the house for now, we enter gameplay. we run around the house with tank controls and press circle to interact. i thought it was funny how many things we can sit on lol


i love the atmosphere of this game, its very cozy and those pre rendered backrounds add alot, i especially like when you can see the blinds waving in the wind since they are seperate from the background.


our room is in the futon storage since the house we live in is more of a hotel/corner shop the fatherly figure is in the living room and we can interact with him, he basically says to be nice to the kids we might run into. you can change channels on the tv which is fun but it only has like 2 channels, one looks like a gundam anime and another plays music with people in the background? i cant really tell. the attention to detail is really nice, the slight messyness to the rooms really add to the home feel. theres 2 floors and seperate buildings which makes it feel pretty big. you can find little bottle caps around and of course bugs which ill get into later dw. The menu is also really cute its layed out in 3d and has the map and the date on the top and bugs, settings and even your shirt on the bottom


after awhile i believe it happens randomly sometimes you get called back home, you are then at the dinner table in the separate beach house, which sorry the main house is a hotel and the beach house is the kinda corner shop. we talk about what we are doing for our school project and we originally were gonna look at traffic or something but one of the kids said maybe do bugs! you are let out again to explore and then you go home and write and draw in your diary before bed day 2 we wake up and have breakfast at the beach house table and they talk about one of the kids they know making bottle rockets but keeps failing, a girl named yasuko walks in lookinh to buy ice cream (which btw you can buy yourself in the freezer which i found really fun) yasuko tells us to meet her at some entrance for a tour of her house im watching back a video to remember most of this stuff cus i didnt start writing immediately but omg i didn't know you could do some of this stuff like swimminh and other stuff that i just completly missed ill have to do it tommorow haha now i walked around the place more thoroughly and wow, just wow the art in this game is beautiful, walking down beside the water near the boat and goinh up to the playground with these great blues and greens... and swinging on the thing


we go up to yasuko and she tours us around her house. she lives with her granda and ger little sister, she has alot of books and records her da left there. she is seen later listening to one of her favourites from the collection. we walk up to the domed roof where a little observatory is then you get to look at the sunflowers and some pumpkins and watermelons in their garden, omce the tours done i headed to the front door and ran into her granda who said we are welcome to hang out here whenever, nothing too special here but i thought the hardwood and furniture and decor looked really nice. i walked around the nurses place and no one was there. then i found out you could even go to the bathroom in game haha. i wandered around to a fishing area and went up some kids tree house as they told me i couldnt go their but they eventually let me anyway after that i kick some trees and get some bugs and then go home and have dinner again after the dad guy called me in he asks me if i went fishing which tbh i didnt bother figuring out where i could but i know now i think. then i walk around and write in my diary and go to sleep he also drew him and yasuko which was cute.
day 3
on day 3 decided to finally fucking fish it took a second and i accidentally swam first which is quite cool you can find some money in the water and i found another bottlecap, and for fishing... well its fishing nothing too exciting i also captured a few butterflies, im probably gonna do something with them because i know when you are at your desk theres a few things you can actually do with them except just looking at them. i wandered outside somemore and checked back at the house where the tv was on, this time it was some baseball instead of the usual


i checked in with yasuko at night and she was listening to classical music. i walked around some more and talked to simon, some hippy lookinh dude that lives in the hotel part, ges usually just sitting around the house or sometimes hes outside taking photographs. his design reminds me of the blimd dude from the lego movie. he was talking about spaghetti since he was making it in the kitchen, his favourite foods are "wheat foods" and meat pies but meat pies are hard to find in japan. i went past the washing machine and saw the mother hanging clothes, then i was called to dinner. apparently the guy never found his bottle rocket. i go see simon again in the top floor lounge area as he has a beer and takes the breeze in. he also gave me a photo! now that i think of it im not sure if i can check to see what it is... maybe its in my inventory ill check tommorow and thats basically all that's interesting today oh and also i checked on the cats in that abandoned house.
day 4
WIP since im obv still playing it, also im now noticing that by the end of the game this page will be veeeeery long.
i checked the photo and it was the one that was taken on the first day, i thought it was gonna be some random photo but this makes more sense lol
i went for a bit of fishing and then ran into shigeru and takeshi by the bridge next to the abandoned gaff they told me if i see these bridges to open them and look under for bait i can use to fish which will definitely come in handy I'm sure, then i checked up with hikari and i didnt now this but she tells you what you can do that day in the game by those little paper origami fortune tellers, which i wish i knew a bit sooner cus it really helps with planning where im going, but one little issue i have with the game is that i feel like im missing stuff everytime because i get called back home to go to sleep or for dinner and everyday is different so i cant just go back which is pretty annoying but whatever hopefully the reminisce option in the menu is like a new game plus or something.
so with what hikari said i checked shigeru and takeshis room, they talked about the vines they are growing on the wall which i was wondering what that was and that im gonna have the one on the right so i have to water it everyday so thats something else to add! then i went to yasukos house (also i found it funny that hikari tells you dont get up to any funny business when she tells you you can go there lol) she was listening to the same classical piece as last time which ill have to remember which song it is, she is reading a book that she read in primary but says its not hitting as hard as it did, then i went up to the clinic and there were fireflies there! so i caught a few and that so happens to be what he drew in his diary and thats pretty much what happened that day, id say that is a pretty good 30 minutes done!


day 5
i checked up with the mam outside the house who is waiting on a new visitor that we'll see tommorow and oh shit i forgot to water my plants i need to start writing this down i went to hikari and got some crayfish bait on the way, from what she said i went to the graveyard and ran into yoh who built those rockets i was talking about, also im a bit stupid they arent bottle rockets they are proper ones dont know why i called them that
i went to the foresty area past the clinic which i never really went down before but i took in the great background art and then went to and tbh i went out straight after playing since i like playing around when i wake up so i probably forgot a few things lol i also think once im done with this game i might play the other games aomce i believe 3 has a english vers or patch... sadly i dont believe 1 does okay so i looked into it and currently the only game translated is 2 so sadly no which makes me very sad, i could possibly use a guide if it exists but i feel that would take too much effort when i really just wanna enjoy the game and 3 looks really good boku is a bit older and its on the ps3 and 4 is on the psp which is kinda cool... but i wish i could actually play it :( maybe someone will eventually translate the games
day 6
the girl moved in shes pretty cute her name is yoshika, she talks to us and then properly moves in, i then went to check on simon in his room who talks about us naming the river, then i watered my plants because i remembered then i went to the boat area where yasuko and hikari were, i got my fortune told and went for a bit of fishing which ive gotten the hamg of now i even caught a fucking squid which i didnt think was possible


i also got the hang of the insect for the most part, you can put this liquid into them and then pin them on a board. it turned night and yasuko and hikari had a bath while Yoshiko and simon were hanging out in the main lounge area next to the kitchen. and thats really it, now i want to do bug fights and look around more places for tommorow.
also on day 5 i messaged the guy who translated the game to ask if hes gonna do any of the other games, today he said no but also said that there is a spanish patch for one being made by someone so possibly an english one will follow that. i hope their will be, i also really hope the other games will too because i really like thge look of 3.
11/08/2024 12:50 AM
day 7
simon was in his room and seems to he getting along with Yoshiko who asks him for some cigarettes. he talks about how he thinks shes mysterious.
then as i promised i went to hikari and she basically brought me from the park to her house to the clinic and then to the secret beach i also talkes to yasuko on my way there. and I finally got to talk to the doctors in the clinic which you can give the guy a karate chop massage by mashing left and right on the d pad. then while we were just about at the secret beach my dumbass wondered if i could catch the bees that were there and got knocked out and teleported the the fuckung beach house so i had to walk all the way back which bow that i think of it i couldve webt an easier way but whatever.
the beach was cool i got a big butterfly and fished. simon showed up there and took a photo so hopefully i can get that tommorow. then at night yasuko was in the park on the swimgs remembering her time with her dad. and her granda in her house was talking about his late wife. then i think i just wandered around and then it was bedtime. also i forgot i named the river finally by interacting with it, "ritoru river"
day 8
the beach was cool i got a big butterfly and fished. simon showed up there and took a photo so hopefully i can get that tommorow. then at night yasuko was in the park on the swimgs remembering her time with her dad. and her granda in her house was talking about his late wife. then i think i just wandered around and then it was bedtime. also i forgot i named the river finally by interacting with it, "ritoru river"
day 9
feel bad for gramps today was good the bridge was finally built and me and de ladz went and explored and found the rocket and i took the valve and i have to give to yoh tomorrow. had some very cool scenery but i need to explore more and thats about it.
day 10
not much today, went to hikaris, tried to find how to get into yohs house but couldnt figure it out, properly figured out bug fights and i am da best and i kimda fucked up looking for yohs house so i missed a bunch of shit so thats about it blud ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
12/08/2024 8:19 PM
day 11
went to yohs house, gave him the thing and he talked about how he and yasuko used to be great friends but now shes too hip for him and is scared to talk to her, hopefully they become friends again.


i also saw simon takinh photos by the swingy thing, went to the clinic and saw a girl who seems to be someone we may know but she doesnt tell us, theres something wrong with her heart but the doctors are unsure what it is, uncle genta was asleep on the floor which i missed before i think? and rhen i talked to yoshuko and simon about his life selling a camera given to him and buying a fiberglass surfboard haha, hes my favourite character no doubt,


i also ate a choo choo pop and i wanna say i really like the art for the ice creams, i dont know why they just look so cool =⁠-⁠O


day 12
went to yohs, went to hikari went to the clinic went to see simon and yoshiko and the other aunt or something (uts actually yasukos mother :0 that was there by the balcony who screamed i lobe thr ocean lol, went fishing, oh and all the vines are now done :) im just too gud
22/08/2024 11:55 PM, written around 3:44 AM
day 13
simon took a photo of us oit the window and alot of family were at the house, the plants withered away and i talked to yoh, then at night Simon, yasukos mam and yoshiko were at the lounge area and they were picking on simon lol. aunt said a monk will be here tomorrow. then i met up with yoh and went and talked to yasuko which i loved this whole scene alot, she gets shocked and then they nervously talk and agree for her to go to his house one day. i found out you can write LAME on the chalkboard haha.
day 14
the monk came and did a little ritual and then we were back to normal, i noticed this place which i never noticed you could go before, it really shocked me. then the family playwd with sparklers.
day 15 + 16
shit her name is yoshikA not yoshiko my dumbass im getting mixed up with yasuko the lads were putting up their hands towards the sun and you could see the light goinh through your palm, the 3d sequence was really unexpected but i fw it looks weirdly realistic kimda uncanny valley.


saw hikari sneak towards the abandoned gaff which id say shes the one feeding the cats there! very nice of her. now since im writing this on rhe 22nd this makes more sense now (kinda) we see a girl in the clinic who seems to have something wrong with her heart. she says there isnt much time left... more on this later
i have a bath again but de ladzz are there.
yoshika is in her room, simon talks about his travels andhow he doesnt go to america or europe since its too expensive the clinic girl is gone. gramps sits on her bed. its from the perspective of boku not really understanding so it makes it even more sad, i liked going up to her during the evening. then later gramps is on his bed talking about his death and how his grandchildren will die and how their graves wont be near his. this game has hit me im the feels man but boku still doesnt quite understand
day 17
yasukos mother despite not talking to her for years left the key in the guest house. i give it to her later that day and she gets in a mood, feel bad but I understand. yoshika is sunbathing, clinic lady is sitting outside (she works there not to be confused with clinic girl) simon talks about how he thought Japanese women were very quiet and nice until he met yoshika, this made me laugh i love their dynamic. de ladzz talk about wolfman which i will mention later.
day 18
i for some reason didnt take any screenshots except 2 but they dont show much so i really dont know what happened on this day oh and shit im wrong nevermind its cus i played around 12 probably lol yasuko talks about the fireflies at the clinic since its the last day you get to see them i think AND that she'll go see yoh tomorrow!! we tell gramps we can be his grandson since he was talking about how his selfish desire was to have a grandson. he laughs about it and thanks boku. it was aunt mitsukos bday! her fav food is chicken drumsticks de legend
day 19 + 20
i go to yohs and yasuko is hiding behind the side of his house, she then walks up and yoh catches her off guard but anyway they talk about what they think of eachother and their life before and after they stopped talking while boku just runs around waiting :'D nagisa is on the swings and talks about how she used to love swings when she was little. yoshika asks simon to take a photo of her and he goes into weird detail of what he would want the shot to be somethinh about seals and dolphins or sum stupid shit lol
hikari is sleeping in gramps bed next day an earthquake happens in the night, ome noticable difference is that the fuckinh car is in the ocean. i didnt notice at first but when i was by the ocean i noticed and was liek wtf??? yoshika is in her underwear(edit:bikini) at the baths and boku rudely talks to her while shes nearly naked but he says his classic line its okay cus im a kid. real shit. the rocky cave thing is now open this will probably be more important later.
day 21
weird man appears, he lives in room 3 which the fortune teller has been begging me to go to even though there was nothing in there for like three days so it must of been a bug. yoshika is seen downstairs talking on the phone about the man like shes a detective, this is really cool and makes me very interested she apparently knows the guy for some reason.
he is really just sleeping and drinking when i go into his room. the aunt tells me the jellyfish are in at this time of year and also i never knew you could go up here!


bad pic since i was on my bike
clinic lady talks about love because she has a date tommorow. nagisa is on the swings again and boku talks about his pitch back at home they use for baseball is having a apartment built on it, no clue why but i feel like this shows how things change to kids that were probably playing this game. yoshika is now outside underneath the bridge of the houses and she tells me to be quiet as she seems to be snooping and looking over somewhere.
i ask the man about his life and he really seems disintrested but he responds. born in aomori, hasnt been there in ages. unemployed but worked as a diver for underwater construction and pipeline inspection stuff.


yoshika tells me to stay away from the man (im not gonna buddy) simon if he collected bugs as a kid he said no but there were many beautiful butterflies around his house. he gives me a photo. yasuko is on the swings talking about how she will be tutoring yoh soon :) hikari is sleeping in gramps bed again, gramps says they all sleep in the same position as they were as babies (both hikari and yasuko)
22/08/2024 11:55 PM, written around 11:00-11:55 PM
day 22
yoshika is in her bikini in the beach house looking at the dock, she mutters "its bound to happen soon" yasuko is at yohs again and they talk about how she is constantly around him now. i go to the cave i thought i was gonna miss what happens since it was evening but thankfully it still happened. de ladzz were in the cave looking down at a hole thats so dark you cant see the bottom.
then i get called to dinner but shigeru comes crying running in saying takeshi fell down the fuckinh hole so everyones in hysterics genta climbs down and saves him and mistsuko is in tears


genta talks about why he quit carpentry cus his fear of heights yet he went down the hole simon gives me a new photo!


Boku no Natsuyasumi 2
